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Malyar Sadeq Azad, A20, F22

School: The Fletcher School 
Degree: Master of Arts in Law and Diplomacy 
Home: Prior to moving to the United States, I was a journalist in Afghanistan. The United States is my adopted country.

Amal Rass, F22

School: The Fletcher School 

Degree: Master of Arts in Law and Diplomacy

Home: My family. I have four younger sisters, two college-aged, one eight, and one six, and I miss them all the time. 

Alexandra Stern, NG22

School: Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy 

Degree: Ph.D. in Agriculture, Food and Environment  

Ric Bayly, N22, MG22

Schools: Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy and School of Medicine

Degrees: Master’s in Food and Nutrition Policy and Programs and Master of Public Health in Epidemiology and Biostatistics