Global Tufts Month

The theme for Global Tufts Month in 2025 is Global Health, highlighting the disparities in health outcomes and access to healthcare worldwide. Tufts students, faculty, staff, and alumni have consistently advocated for policies and actions that promote equal access to high-quality healthcare for all people, regardless of their socioeconomic status, geographical location, race, ethnicity, gender, or any other factor that may contribute to variances in health outcomes.
About Global Tufts Month
Beginning in 2019 and occurring annually, Global Tufts Week has evolved into a month-long series of activities and events across all of Tufts’ schools and centers, designed to:
- Showcase the breadth and depth of global engagement by faculty, students and staff in education, research and policy and civic engagement work.
- Celebrate and advance Tufts' commitment to global engagement, international exchange and global learning.
- Promote connection and dialogue across schools and across disciplines on global issues.
Events hosted throughout Global Tufts Month will explore and showcase the work that is being done to relieve the global burden these challenges pose to well-being in all facets of life—from health, psychology, and politics, to development, education, science and technology, culture, and the arts. We welcome events that highlight efforts at Tufts, both individual and in collaboration with others, to advance and protect all of humanity around the world and to facilitate dialogue and learning on these issues across national and cultural boundaries.
The Office of the Provost organizes and coordinates Global Tufts Month. All Tufts departments, centers, institutes, units, student organizations and groups are invited to host events to celebrate Global Tufts Month.
Events can include conferences, speakers, panel discussions, workshops, seminars, performances, film showings, cultural events, music, social and networking events, presentations and lectures, information sessions on programs, etc. Events can be organized specifically for Global Month, and already planned events can be scheduled to take place during that week.
Events should be posted through the main Tufts Calendar, and will be displayed on both the Tufts event calendar and the Global Tufts website. Select the tag for "Global Engagement" in the Subject category.
Each year, the Office of the Provost will offer funding for events during Global Tufts Month. Any Tufts faculty, staff, or student can apply for funding on behalf of themselves or an organization. Selected proposals will receive funding in advance of Global Tufts Month. The maximum amount of a mini-grant is $500.
The deadline has passed to apply for mini-grant funding.