Faculty Resources
Tufts has a long-standing commitment to global relations and international research to address global problems. More than 60% of faculty members responding to a recent survey indicated they had engaged in international scholarly activities.
One Health
Humans, animals, and the environment are fundamentally linked, yet the strategies to address their health typically remain separate. A key goal of the Tufts One Health Committee is to catalyze innovative research, education, field experiences, and community engagement through a collaborative and interdisciplinary One Health approach.

Refugees in Towns
The Refugees in Towns project supports towns and urban neighborhoods in becoming immigrant- and refugee-friendly spaces that take full advantage of the benefits brought by refugees while finding ways to manage the inevitable challenges of immigrant integration.

Tripoli Project
Initiated by the Fares Center for Eastern Mediterranean Studies, the Tripoli Project aims to mobilize the various specializations of The Fletcher School as well as the wider academic community in the Greater Boston Area to support and understand the revival of the city as it is led by its own people.