Student Resources

Tufts aims to ensure that all students have a significant global engagement each year. These opportunities can range from spending a semester studying abroad, to spending a summer conducting research abroad, or selecting an international program or major on campus.
Global Funding for Students
Tufts provides a variety of funding opportunities to facilitate student global engagement.

Study Abroad
Tufts offers many opportunities for students to study abroad, through semester and year-long programs as well as summer opportunities.

Whether conducting their own independent research or working with a faculty member, Tufts students have a variety of opportunities to partake in research abroad.

Service Learning
Undergraduate and graduate students across Tufts participate in a myriad of service learning programs.

Academic Programs and Majors
Academic majors and degree programs across the campuses offer opportunities for Tufts students to pursue a field of study that touches on global issues across a wide range of disciplines.

International Students and Scholars
At Tufts, we are proud to be a welcoming, global, and diverse community.