Nikkei Asian Review
In this opinion piece, Fletcher Dean Emeritus James Stavridis discusses China’s aggressive strategy in the South China Sea.
The Diplomat Magazine
Fletcher student Mohit Saini co-authors this piece outlining concerns regarding privacy risks associated with India’s Aarogya Setu, a contact tracing app created to fight the spread of coronavirus.
The Conversation
Mulugeta Berhe, from Fletcher’s World Peace Foundation, examines the constitutional crisis surrounding the Ethiopian government’s postponement of its elections, noting that the “COVID-19 pandemic is the context for this but not the cause.”
ABC News Radio
Fletcher's Rockford Weitz discusses the delayed repatriation process for the more than 100,000 crew members who remain on cruise ships due to the coronavirus pandemic.
A&S anthropologist Amahl Bishara participates in this discussion on how Palestinians in the West Bank have been affected by COVID-19.
Ann Marie Gaul, postdoctoral scholar at the Center for the Humanities, chronicles the history of Egypt’s national dish, koshari, calling it “the perfect food for pantry cooking in an age of stay-at-home orders and two-hour supermarket queues.”
War on the Rocks
Fletcher student Polina Beliakova analyzes how the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting the current and future power of Russian President Vladimir Putin, suggesting that Putin “is only as strong as his current system allows.”
Alumnus Kailash K. Prasad (F17) co-publishes op-ed in POLITICO on how migration will change in a post-coronavirus world.
Common Dreams
Friedman’s Renata Micha is co-author of the 2020 Global Nutrition Report that has found significant inequalities in nutrition outcomes within countries and populations of the world’s food system. Micha is quoted saying, "good nutrition is an essential defense strategy to protect populations against epidemics, relieve the burden on our health systems, and ultimately save lives."