Friedman School’s Daniel Maxwell says the Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) “serves the US government, but it also serves the rest of the humanitarian community too. So, its absence will be felt pretty much right away.”
Fletcher Distinguished Professor Daniel Drezner discusses how Secretary of State Marco Rubio’s “ideological flexibility” has contributed to his political survival.
Cummings School’s Hellen Amuguni, director of the STOP Spillover program to monitor the global risk of zoonotic diseases with the potential to spill over into human pandemics, discusses the repercussions of losing the program’s USAID funding.
Distinguished Professor, Friedman School Dean Emeritus, and FIMI Director Dariush Mozaffarian comments on a new study that suggests replacing butter with such plant-based oils as olive, canola, and soybean may help reduce the risk of premature death, noting that the findings “add to a large body of scientific literature on the health benefits of these plant oils.”
New York Times
HNRCA Distinguished Professor Alice Lichtenstein explains why low- and no-fat dairy products are versatile sources of protein.
New York Times
Fletcher Dean Kelly Sims Gallagher says that “Countries that are committed to addressing climate change will be buying clean energy technologies from China. The world will just go on without us.”
Boston Globe
Cummings School’s Jonathan Runstadler comments on how the bird flu virus is always changing, saying “the same virus that is causing mild infections in humans today may be a different virus tomorrow.”