The Washington Post
Alvin Camba of Fletcher’s Climate Policy Lab discusses his research that sheds light on why countries choose to work with Chinese partners.
BBC News
Fletcher’s Alex de Waal provides an in-depth look at the crisis in Tigray, which is facing a man-made famine.
A&S assistant professor Kareem Khubchandani discusses his Critical Aunty Studies symposium, which he developed to challenge stereotypes and open up conversations about the role of the “aunty” in the family.
Tufts Now
Tufts experts collaborate on an initiative to further STEAM education capacity in Brazilian, Kenyan, and Rwandan schools
The Washington Post
A&S political scientist Kelly Greenhill discusses examples of migration events that were strategically engineered for political purposes from her book, “Weapons of Mass Migration: Forced Displacement, Coercion, and Foreign Policy.”