Fletcher’s Chris Miller joins BBC World Service's Tech Life to discuss missteps by U.S. tech giant Intel that have impacted its status as a leading global chip maker. Miller’s comments begin at 2:00.
New York Times
Fletcher’s Tom Dannenbaum notes how international law applies to the targeting of nonmilitary structures in military conflicts.
New York Post
HNRCA’s Joel Mason is quoted from a June Tufts Now news story on the rising rates of colorectal cancer among individuals under 50.
Foreign Affairs
The new book by Fletcher’s Sulmaan Wasif Khan, The Struggle for Taiwan: A History of America, China, and the Island Caught Between, is reviewed.
Fletcher’s Chris Miller comments on how the Netherlands’ expanded export restrictions on advanced chip manufacturing equipment have impacted the bottom line at ASML, a cutting-edge supplier to the semiconductor industry. Miller is noted as author of Chip War: The Fight for the World's Most Critical Technology
Christian Science Monitor
Fletcher’s Richard Shultz Is quoted about the United States' role in a potential wider war in the Middle East saying, “Sometimes you have to escalate to deescalate.”