The Economist
A&S political scientist Michael Beckley’s new book “Danger Zone: The Coming Conflict With China,” co-authored by Hal Brands, is discussed in this article, which requires a subscription to read in full.
Financial Times
Fletcher’s Chris Miller comments on the United States’ control over the “main choke points in the semiconductor production process.” Miller is the author of “Chip War: The Fight For The World’s Most Critical Technology.”
This article highlights engineering’s Valencia Joyner Koomson's work developing a prototype pulse oximeter that includes technology that can adapt to different skin tones. Photos of Koomson are included in this article, which is part of a series exploring racism in health and medicine.
Boston Globe
Fletcher’s Chris Miller is quoted in this article examining how House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan might impact U.S.-Chinese relations.
Wall Street Journal
A&S political scientist Michael Beckley co-authors this article examining why China’s position as a “once-rising power” increases the likelihood of an attack on Taiwan and the crucial role the U.S. must play in addressing China’s threats.
Fletcher’s Kenneth Pucker comments in this article on the rethinking of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investing.
Fletcher Dean Rachel Kyte comments on Great Britain’s climate diplomacy efforts since COP26.