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The W.H.O. Says Aspartame Is ‘Possibly Carcinogenic.’ What Does That Mean?

New York Times
Distinguished Professor and Friedman School Dean Emeritus Dariush Mozaffarian is quoted about the new World Health Organization findings on the artificial sweetener aspartame, saying, “The larger challenge is that with aspartame, like other additives, there’s just not enough science to say definitively, ‘Yes, this causes cancer’ or ‘No, it doesn’t.’”

Kim Yo Jong: The most powerful woman in North Korea

Yahoo! News
Fletcher’s Sung-Yoon Lee and the University of Oxford’s Edward Howell discuss North Korea’s Kim Yo Jong and her rise through the ranks of North Korean politics. Lee is the author of the forthcoming “The Sister: North Korea’s Kim Yo Jong, the Most Dangerous Woman in the World.”