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Faculty & Research in Brazil

Marcelo Bianconi

School of Arts and Sciences
Department: Economics

Maria Champlin

School of Arts and Sciences
Department: Romance Languages
Research Topics: Literature and Language

Avery Cohn

Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy
Department: Friedman School of Nutrition and Policy

Akram Da'darah

Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine
Department: Infectious Disease and Global Health

Anjuli Fahlberg

School of Arts and Sciences
Department: Sociology

Andrea Ferreira Zandoná

School of Dental Medicine
Department: Comprehensive Care

Lawrence Ford

School of Arts and Sciences
Department: Physics & Astronomy
Research Topics: Science and Mathematics

Nina Gerassi-Navarro

School of Arts and Sciences
Department: Romance Languages

Laurent Jacque

The Fletcher School
Department: Economics and International Business
Research Topics: Energy, International Business

Klaus Miczek

School of Arts and Sciences
Department: Psychology

Elena Naumova

Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy
Department: Nutrition Data Science (NDS)

Mihaela Papa

The Fletcher School
Department: International Law and Organizations

Stephan Pennington

School of Arts and Sciences
Department: Music

Alan Finkelstein Shapiro

School of Arts and Sciences
Department: Economics
Research Topics: Development and Livelihoods

Patrick Skelly

Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine
Department: Infectious Disease and Global Health

Enrico Spolaore

School of Arts and Sciences
Department: Economics

Aleksandar Stanković

School of Engineering
Department: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research Topics: Engineering

Rosemary Taylor

School of Arts and Sciences
Department: Sociology
Research Topics: Infectious Disease

Yongjie Yang

Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
Department: Developmental, Molecular and Chemical Biology

Adriana Zavala Zum Brook

School of Arts and Sciences
Department: Art & Art History
Research Topics: Art, Culture, and Religion